American Fork values the past and the future. Our community thrives on the success of businesses and the exceptional quality of life the city provides. We are proud to have such a rich history and look forward to our future. To learn more about how you and your business can help fuel a productive future and economic growth in American Fork, contact American Fork City by calling 801-763-3060 or stopping by our office today!

Early History

American Fork was settled by Mormon pioneers in 1850. When the city was first settled, it was named Lake City. Lake City was incorporated in 1852 as an official Utah city. In 1860, Lake City was renamed American Fork after the river of the same name that flows through the city. American Fork may have also been renamed to avoid confusion with the nearby Salt Lake City.

History of Historic City Hall

A point of pride in the community is our City Halls. The first city hall was designed and constructed in 1881 by Alderman John McNeil. During this city hall’s time in use, it was used for several purposes including city council meetings, events for the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association and many city business affairs. The second city hall was constructed at the turn of the Twentieth Century after the first city hall had started to fall apart. This city hall was constructed on beautiful Church Street and is still standing today. This city hall is also used for several city events like its predecessor.

The city hall bell, now a revered piece of history, was purchased in 1887 and promptly placed at the top of city hall. In the 1930’s, the bell was known primarily for ringing every night to signal the nightly curfew at 9 p.m. The bell also rang to signal emergencies, deaths in the community, church services and several other important events. In 1959, the bell was placed in Robinson Park just blocks away from city hall as a new city monument. In 2006, the bell took its place again at the top of city hall, where it can be seen by members of the community today.